My education as a psychologist
My path to becoming a psychologist led me through many avenues. I have studied and worked in a variety of mental health and social services settings for over 25 years—as a caregiver, a social worker, a psychotherapist, and now a Jungian Analyst. I currently practice as a Licensed Psychologist, a doctorate-level license for mental health professionals in California. My experiences have taught me to have great patience for people’s suffering. I give of myself fully to my practice, because I’ve been blessed with the same gift from my therapists.
Along with my private practice, I have been a part-time faculty member and supervisor of clinical interns. My research on the positive resolution of mental health crises was selected for presentation at the American Psychological Association annual convention in Washington, DC, in 2006. In the recent past, I developed and managed a child counseling program, addressing individual and family therapy, intake, assessment, and complimentary care. I also worked for many years with adults in inpatient and outpatient settings.

My approach to psychotherapy
I was trained in both brief and long-term approaches to psychotherapy. I am a Certified Jungian Analyst member of the C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco. This certification is a post-licensure program for experienced professionals to deepen our understanding of the human psyche, both for our own growth and for the benefit of those we serve. Analytic work provides a means of unferstanding and transforming serious mental health conditions and repetitive patterns of behavior. It greatly influences my approach to psychotherapy. The choice is always yours to find the right level of involvement in our work together.
Our work together may involve relational dynamics, dreams, transitional issues, and various expressive methods to look into the underlying causes of stress or concern. In my practice, I sometimes also use sand play and expressive art therapy to help understand the deeper aspects of what one might be trying to communicate. (See frequent questions for more information on these approaches to therapy.) Human beings are complex creatures, and psychological issues can be proof of this complexity. It’s my pleasure to help you or your teen through these issues. My aim is that you’ll get a glimpse of your own perfect wholeness and find greater ease in your life.
My background
I was born in a French-speaking area of Canada, and I have lived in the US for most of my adult life. I enjoy the Bay Area’s social diversity and the many outdoor and cultural activities the area provides. I also like to explore the multiple approaches to health and well-being that are available to us: Yoga, meditation, physical exercise, and alternative therapies. In this regard, I believe psychotherapy provides the basis for an integrative approach to wellness. The right kind of psychotherapy provided the container for me to embrace my life experiences, the epiphanies, the challenges, and everything in between.
I’ve had a variety of personal and professional experiences that have informed me over the years. I’ve led support groups for men, facilitated creative expression groups for children, and offered psycho-spiritual support for the dying. I have lived in intimate partnerships, suffered separation, and experienced the difficulties of personal crises. What ties these experiences together is my desire to be an assertive and empathic presence in the world. With careful unwavering support, I’ve learned to live with my failures and recognize my strengths. I’ve learned to trust in the deep healing that occurs when two people, psychotherapist and client, commit to this process together. I envision this being my profession until well past common retirement age.